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State Center Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2022


¡La educación de adultos te llevará a donde quieres estar! El State Center Adult Education Consortium y sus escuelas miembros le muestran las posibilidades.


State Center Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2022


Adult education will get you where you want to be! The State Center Adult Education Consortium and its member schools show you the possibilities.


Published Mar 2022


Founded five years ago in South Lake Tahoe, ADVANCE is an educational collaborative like no other. It provides competency-based programs that are modified for every individual’s needs by partnering with local nonprofits, organizations and public agencies to address all obstacles a person might be facing, whether it be childcare, food insecurity, housing, health care or other concerns. This holistic case management—recognizing the needs of individuals outside of the classroom—sets them up for more long-term success.

Riverside ABOUT STUDENTS Regional Consortium for Adult Education

Published Sep 2021


Riverside County's future depends on skilled workers. Where will they come from? Riverside ABOUT STUDENTS Regional Consortium for Adult Education leads the way to better careers and quality of life.

Sacramento County Office of Education

Published Sep 2021


To meet today's challenges, the California Adult Education Program has developed seven statewide priorities for administrators, faculty and staff: equity, leadership, distance learning, program development, program evaluation, marketing and learner transition. Together these priorities will help focus adult educators on better serving students and preparing them for high-paying jobs, new careers or college. This publication highlights campuses that are already implementing these priorities and staff give concrete examples of what works.

Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2021


¡Haz crecer tu potencial! El Consorcio de Educación para Adultos de Sequoias está aquí para ayudar. Historias inspiradoras sobre el éxito de los estudiantes muestran cómo la educación de adultos marca una diferencia que cambia la vida.


Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2021


Grow your potential! Sequoias Adult Education Consortium is here to help. Inspirational stories of student success show how adult education makes a life-changing difference.

SEIU Local 1000

Published Dec 2019

Printed Stories

Representing 96,000 state workers, SEIU Local 1000 worked to give their members—and all Californians—the opportunity to have a good life, live in sustainable communities and enjoy the fruits of social, economic and environmental justice. Yvonne R. Walker’s weekly column explored the work that SEIU Local 1000 was doing to achieve those goals.
