Published Dec 2020
En tiempos de estrés y desastre, hay personas que se preocupan. ¡No estas solo! Encuentre la ayuda y los servicios que necesita en el condado de Tulare.
ViewPublished Dec 2020
In times of stress and disaster, there are people who care. You are not alone! Find the help and services you need in Tulare County.
ViewPublished Jun 2017
Los niños que se encuentran en el sistema de crianza que forman parte de nuestra comunidad son sus vecinos, estudiantes, amigos de sus hijos, etc. Todos ellos tienen las mismas aspiraciones y sueños que los niños que no viven de esta manera. Lamentablemente, si no tenemos adultos constantes que brinden un hogar acogedor y de apoyo, a largo plazo quedarán en desventaja comparados con sus compañeros. Aquí es donde necesitamos de usted.
ViewPublished Jan 2017
La Agencia de Servicios Infantiles del condado de San Joaquín necesita familias de crianza que puedan refl ejar las diversas identidades y culturas de los niños en cuidado de crianza que buscan casas. ¡No necesita ser perfecto, pero podría ser la persona perfecto para un niño!
ViewPublished Jan 2017
San Joaquin County Children's Services is looking for resource families to reflect the diverse identities and cultures of the many foster children who are looking for homes. You don't need to be perfect, but you may be perfect for a foster child!
ViewPublished Aug 2016
What happens after a child is removed from an unsafe environment? How can the community step in to fill the need by caring for these children? With many children in Santa Clara County in need of forever families, this issue is one that deeply affects both the children and the greater community. This publication will bring a message of hope, demonstrating the positive outcomes that are possible by showcasing children who are thriving thanks to their resources and adoptive families. Targeted particularly at potential resource and adoptive families of high quality, the piece will educate and encourage, helping families gain the confidence to step forward and welcome a child into their lives.
ViewPublished Aug 2016
Điều gì xảy ra sau khi một đứa trẻ được lấy ra từ một môi trường không an toàn? Làm thế nào cộng đồng có thể bước vào để lấp đầy nhu cầu bằng cách chăm sóc những đứa trẻ? Với nhiều trẻ em ở Hạt Santa Clara có nhu cầu của các gia đình mãi mãi, vấn đề này là một trong những ảnh hưởng sâu sắc cả trẻ em và cộng đồng tốt hơn. mảnh này sẽ mang lại một thông điệp hy vọng, cho thấy kết quả tích cực mà có thể bằng cách giới thiệu trẻ em đang phát triển mạnh nhờ vào tài nguyên của họ và gia đình nhận nuôi.
ViewPublished Aug 2016
More people are needed to provide love and support to foster youth in Fresno County. Find out how you can help.
ViewPublished Jun 2016
Foster children are not someone else’s problem to take care of. These are Orange County’s children, and we all share responsibility to help them succeed by providing permanency and love. It takes a commitment from all of us to achieve this. There are 3,000 children in our community who need your help right now. Resource families are needed to provide love and support to foster children until their journey ends, whether through reunification with birth parents or adoption into a forever home.
ViewPublished Sep 2015
Some people don’t think there are foster children in Napa County, but there are. The need is here — in our community. And all it takes is a heart to help. Families are needed to foster children, especially older youth, Spanish speakers and sibling sets. Thanks to partnerships with Lilliput Children’s Services and Aldea Foster Care, Napa County has many resources to support families and children in making forever homes. In this publication, readers will learn that foster children is a community issue and will be inspired to take action by being a foster or concurrent (willing to adopt) family.
ViewPublished Jul 2015
We CAN find permanent families for foster youth. This publication for the foster-youth advocacy nonprofit Families NOW, shows what needs to be done to achieve permanent families for every foster child in California.
ViewPublished Jun 2015
Do you have room in your heart and your home to welcome a child in need? Found out how you can help by becoming a Kern County resource foster or adoptive parent.
ViewPublished Jun 2015
In Yuba and Sutter counties, there are more than 300 children in foster care who are in need of stable, loving families. Read on to find out how you can help.
ViewPublished Oct 2014
What happens after a child is removed from an unsafe environment? How can the community step in to fill the need by caring for these children? With roughly 2,300 children currently in foster care, and 500 of those children in need of forever families, this issue is one that deeply affects both the children and the greater community. This publication brings a message of hope, demonstrating the positive outcomes that are possible by telling the stories of children who are thriving thanks to their foster and adoptive families. Targeted particularly at potential foster/adoptive families, the piece educates and encourages, helping families gain the confidence to step forward and welcome a child into their lives.
ViewPublished Oct 2011
Every child deserves a lifelong family. With help from volunteers, mentors and donations, Sierra Forever Families works to find permanent homes for foster children and youth in Sacramento.